Fall Greetings from Mary House!

Like much of Wisconsin, Mary House had wind and water damage late this summer, from which weIMG_2045 copy are still recovering.  A number of big trees were blown down by tornados that passed through the area, a shocking amount of rain fell in a short time, and then continued for days and days, and our power went out, which meant water poured into the basement with the pumps unable to pump it out.  Mary House was incredibly fortunate during the storm, as there was no real damage to the house itself, and the flooding here was much less than elsewhere in the state.


Thanks to the amazing efforts of the crews that work for Adams Columbia Electrical Co-op, a hastily purchased generator, and many many kind and  helping hands, we are  weathering the storm and its aftermath.


IMG_2122 copyMany heartfelt thanks to my dear girlfriends Jan (and grandchildren!) Jean, Lynn, & Eileen who all provided food and traveled here, despite road closures, detours, flash flood warnings and uncertain whether to help cut trees and clear brush, clean, wash dishes, cook delicious food, and generally set to rights all that went wrong in the days after the storm.


IMG_2163In the weeks since the storm we’re so grateful for the hard work and the kind and cheerful spirits of friends from the Madison Mennonite Church and members of the Madison Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

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