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Celebrating 25 Years at Mary House!

Celebrating 25 years of work days
Friends form the Madison Mennonite Church have been coming to help out at Mary House for nearly all of our 25 years, and this summer was no exception.  Faith Bauman, inspecting the foundation above, has spent much of her life working in India and now lives in Madison Wisconsin.  She  has been part of the group on many of their summertime monthly visits wrote the following reflection on their last visit.

“Sometimes there is a certain amount of fun, even while working, with others in a group, even while we scrape and bruise our hands and end up with aching arms and shoulders!
That was our experience at Mary House as all seven of us along with Cassandra did volunteer jobs around the house on July 5th.  We volunteers are from the Madison Mennonite Church, which has sponsored monthly work days during the summer at Mary House for over 20 years!
Two of our volunteers were young women from Taiwan, who are boarding with Mark and Janice Bauman for a few months while taking studies in language.  Some of the volunteers lined up in a straight line digging a very deep trench next to the outside wall so they could place concrete there to prevent animals from making a home under the porch.  One volunteer cleared out numerous fern leaves and weeds that were leaning over the sidewalk to the front door.  After a good hearty lunch we all returned to Madison, happy to have met a need, and thanking God for this opportunity to serve.”  –Faith Bauman

Holiday Greetings from Mary House

We at Mary House wish all of you a peaceful and wonder-filled holiday season.  We’re looking forward to welcoming the families who will stay with us on the coming weekends — we’ll meet some new children and welcome a few familiar faces.

Thanks to the generous help of our small family of supporters, we made it through the installation of a new well this summer!  It left us with a small loan from a supporter to pay off, but we are immeasurably relieved and grateful to have wonderful, clear, good-tasting water and lots of it for our guests to use! Thank you to all of our friends who made donations to help us through this challenge.  The new well is 180 feet deep, and cost more than we had hoped, and the project so consumed the summer that other fundraising fell behind, so we are EXTREMELY grateful to all of you who helped us, both to start the project and to finish it!!  THANK You!